Anti-Cyber Shoplifting Policy

Friendly fraud is a serious crime. If you intentionally make a purchase with your name, address, and credit card to get merchandise for free with the intention of later disputing the charge, that is a federal crime subject to criminal penalties including jail time and fines.

We dispute all chargeback claims vigorously. Thanks to the advancement of e-commerce technology, we are able to collect evidence at every step of the transaction and fulfillment process.

If you have any legitimate issues with your order, please kindly contact us via email: - we usually respond to emails within 1 - 2 business days.

We view all chargebacks as intentional assaults against our business. If you make a fraudulent dispute, we will ban you from making a purchase from us ever again.

If you are caught making fraudulent claims, your bank may close your account. If your credit card account is closed due to friendly fraud activity, you will negatively impact your credit utilization ratio and you will damage your credit score. Your bank may deny you credit due to a precipitous drop in your credit score and raise your cost of credit.

If you think there is no consequence to cyber shoplifting, you may be wrong.